Monday, November 17, 2008

Question PaperClient Server Application Development (MC231) : January 2006

Section A : Basic Concepts (30 Marks)
1. In the client/server architecture, the component that processes the request and sends the response is------
(a) Network (b) Client (c) Server (d) Protocol (e) O.S.
2. In 3-tier client/server applications, the business logic lies at-------
(a) The client
(b) The Database Server
(c) Divided between client and server alternatively
(d) Middle Tier
(e) Firewall.
3. Which among the following are used to create very concurrent, event-driven server programs
(a) Threads (b) Semaphores (c) Binary Large Objects (d) Inter-process Communications
(e) Monitor.
4. ………is a Non - GUI client
(a) Windows 3.x (b) Windows NT 3.5 (c) Automatic Teller Machine (d) MAC OS. X
(e) Linux.
5. In 3-tier computing, the request/response protocol between the clients and web servers is
(a) NNTP (b) SMTP (c) HTTP (d) POP3 (e) MOM.
6. The IPX network number is-------- bits long
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 32 (d) 16 (e) 2.
7. NetBEUI is an enhanced version of ----------- protocol
(a) IPX (b) SPX (c) NetBIOS (d) TCP/IP (e) API.
8. Which of the following does not refer to middleware?
(a) COM (b) Java (c) DCOM (d) CORBA (e) RMI.
9. Which of the following DO NOT allow multiple applications to participate in a transaction?
(a) Firewalls (b) Routers (c) Gateways (d) Switches (e) Net Beans.
10. FAT server is a server which
(a) Is connected to number of clients
(b) Has File Allocation Table.
(c) Places more functions on the server.
(d) Has high processing power.
(e) Has low processing power.
11. Which is the type of client that provides folders, work areas, shadows, and associations that allow users to personalize their desktops?
(a) Non-GUI clients that need multitasking
(b) GUI clients
(c) Non-GUI clients that do not need multitasking
(d) Databases
(e) OOUI Clients.
12. Images, Video, graphics, database snapshots are affectionately called
(a) BLOBs (b) Intelligent documents (c) Internet services (d) Network documents
(e) Cascading Style Sheets.
13. Network Yellow Pages are used for
(a) Transferring graphics in network
(b) Ubiquitous Communication
(c) Maintaining network time
(d) Maintaining System time
(e) Helping to locate server and their services.
14. The style of Messaging Remote Procedure Call is
(a) Queued (b) Not Queued (c) Call-Return (d) Synchronized (e) Waited.
15. Which of the following defines the system-level object frameworks in Object Management Architecture?
(a) Object Request Broker (b) CORBA services (c) CORBA facilities (d) Application Objects
(e) Application Services.
16. Which is the protocol that provides a consistent naming schema to identify all web resources? (a) United Resource Locator (b) Unified Resource Location
(c) Unified Resource Locator (d) Unified Read Locator
(e) Unified Modeling Language.
17. E-mail is a fundamental component of
(a) Software (b) Groupware (c) Hardware (d) None of the above (e) Middleware.
18. The Internet standard protocol for e-mail retrieval is
(a) TCP/IP (b) IMAP (c) SMTP (d) STMP (e) MOM.
19. The server data held on the client is called
(a) Hypertext (b) Cookie (c) Resource (d) Document (e) Application. 20. What are the smart pieces of software that can play in different networks, operating systems, and tool-palettes?
(a) Procedures (b) Interfaces (c) Methods (d) Components (e) Tools.
Which of the following allows multiple request/response interactions to take place before the connection is closed?
(a) Persistent Connections (b) Pipelining (c) Cache validation commands (d) Hyperlinks
(e) Fire Walls.
22. Which of the following is needed for sending asynchronous alerts and notifications to operators?
(a) SNMPv3 (b) Email and MOM services (c) DCOM (d) RPC (e) TCP.
23. Which among the following contains real-time information describing the function provided by a server and their parameters?
(a) Interface Repository (b) CORBA Facilities (c) Replication Agent (d) Implementation Repository (e) Service Agent.
24. Which of the following supports the capability of returning pointers to other interfaces through COM object?
(a) Hardware interface (b) Software interface (c) Transient interface (d) Query Control
(e) Query interface.
25. JavaBeans Event Model is also known as
(a) The Event Beans Model (b) The Event Service Model (c) The Event Delegation Model (d) The Event Foundation Model (e) The Event Driven Model.
26. Families of software ICs that play together are called ……….
(a) Roles (b) Suites (c) Objects (d) Components (e) Clients.
27. Which among the following tools can set software parameters and fine-tune complex systems such as relational databases or operating systems?
(a) Performance monitoring and trending tools
(b) Inventory management tools
(c) Application performance monitoring tools
(d) Configuration Audit tools
(e) Configuration management tools.
28. What request is issued by a managing station to read the value of a managed object?
(a) GET-NEXT (b) SET (c) GET (d) TRAP (e) Post.
29. The default port address for HTTP is
(a) 60 (b) 70 (c) 80 (d) 90 (e) 50.
30. Which of the following are variables that represent the data elements in a managed object?
(a) Notifications (b) Attributes (c) Operations (d) Subscripts (e) Sub Routines.

Section B : Problems (50 Marks)
1. Describe the anatomy of a 3-tier client/server application. Also mention the design of a 3-tier application with any of the popular technologies? (10 marks)
2. a. What is the significance of groupware? Describe the features of Lotus Notes/ Domino product?
b. What do you understand about cascading style sheets? (5 + 5 = 10 marks)
3. a. Discuss in detail the Internet Mail Protocols.
b. Suggest your ideas on the Desktop Management Interface (DMI) (6 + 4 = 10 marks)
4. Explain briefly the elements of Web- Based DSM. (10 marks)
5. a. Explain briefly on the innovations introduced by Distributed System-Management Platforms.
b. Describe the five axes of client/server tools. (5 + 5 = 10 marks)
Section C : Applied Theory (20 Marks)
6. Briefly explain Groupware servers, Object Application servers and Web application servers with neat sketches. (10 marks)
7. Explain in detail what CORBA elements do on the server side. (10 marks)
Suggested Answers
Answer : (a)
Reason: In CS architecture, the component that processes the request and sends the response is Server
Answer : (d)
Reason: In CS applications, the business logic lies at Middle Tier.
Answer : (a)
Reason: Threads are used to create very concurrent event driven server programs.
Answer : (c)
Reason: Automatic Teller Machine is a non GUI client
Answer : (c)
Reason: HTTP is the request/response protocol between the clients and web server
Answer : (c)
Reason: The IPX network number is 32 bits long
Answer : (c)
Reason: Net BUI is an enhanced version of NetBIOS protocol
Answer : (b)
Reason: Java does not refer to middleware
Answer : (c)
Reason: gateways do not allow multiple applications to participate in a transaction
Answer : (c)
Reason: FAT server places more functions on the server.
Answer : (e)
Reason: OOUI client provides folders, work area, shadows, and associations that allow users to personalize their desktops.
Answer : (a)
Reason: Blobs
Answer : (e)
Reason: Network yellow pages are used for helping to locate server and their services.
Answer : (c)
Reason: The style of messaging remote procedure cal is Call-Return.
Answer : (b)
Reason: CORBA Services defines the system-level object frameworks in object management architecture.
Answer : (c)
Reason: Unified Resource Locator provides a consistent naming schema to identify all web resources.
Answer : (b)
Reason: E-mail is a fundamental component of Groupware
Answer : (b)
Reason: IMAP is the internet standard protocol for e-mail retrieval.
Answer : (b)
Reason: The server data held on the client is Cookie.
Answer : (b)
Reason: Components
Answer : (a)
Reason: Persistent connections allow multiple request/response interactions to take place before the connection is closed.
Answer : (b)
Reason: E-mail and MOM services are needed for sending asynchronous alerts and notifications to operators.
Answer : (a)
Reason: Interface repository contains real-time information describing the function provided by a server and their parameters.
Answer : (e)
Reason: Query Interface supports the capability of returning pointers to other interfaces through COM object.
Answer : (c)
Reason: Java Beans Event Model is also known as The Event Delegation Model
Answer : (b)
Reason: families of software ICs that play together are called as Suits
Answer : (e)
Reason: Configuration management tools can set software parameters and fine-tune complex systems such as relational databases or operating systems.
Answer : (c)
Reason: Get is issued by a managing station to read the value of a managed object
Answer : (c)
Reason: the default port address for HTTP is 80
Answer : (b)
Reason: Attributes are variables that represent the data elements in a managed object.

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