Thursday, November 6, 2008

System Analysis and Design (MC161) : July 2006

Section A : Basic Concepts (30 Marks)
This section consists of questions with serial number 1 - 30.
Answer all questions.
Each question carries one mark.
Maximum time for answering Section A is 30 Minutes.
1. Which of the following statements accurately describe an Information System?
(a) An Information System is an arrangement of people, data processes, information representation andinformation technology that interact to support day-to-day operations in abusiness
(b) An Information System is a contemporary term that describes the combination of computer technologywith telecommunication technology
(c) An Information System is an arrangement of information representation and information technology that interacts to support day-to-day operations in a business
(d) An Information System is an arrangement of data processes, information representation and informationtechnology that interacts to support day-to-day operations in a business
(e) An Information System is a contemporary term that describes the combination ofinformation technology with telecommunication technology.
2. Which of the following skills is not required by a systems analyst?
(a) Programming Language skills (b) Communication skills (c) Technical skills (d) Business process re-engineering skills (e) Management skills.
3. The statements given below are associated with the activity of outsourcing. Identify the correct statement from among them:
(a) Ownership of IT assets is not transferred to the outsourcer
(b) Outsourcing is the act of contracting with the outside vendor to assume responsibility for IT Functions
(c) Outsourcers do not assume responsibility for an organization’s information systems development
(d) Outsourcing is done by the organization for which the system is developed
(e) Outsourcers do not require a systems analyst.
4. Which of the following is not a step in the linear system development cycle?
(a) Testing design (b) Prototyping (c) Requirements definition (d) Development (e) Post-installation.
5. Given below are some statements associated with the problem definition phase of the linear
model. Identify the correct statement from among them.
(a) The problem definition phase produces a document written using technical terminology of the system analyst
(b) The problem statement is a document that contains the problems faced by the organization
(c) The problem definition phase produces a document that is a broad statement of user requirements
(d) The problem definition phase does not specify the resources allocated to the project
(e) The direction of the project is set by the problem definition phase.
6. Which of the following is not considered as feasibility factor when developing an information system?
(a) Economic (b) Application (c) Schedule (d) Technical (e) Operational.
7. The four phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle are _____.
(a) Analysis, gathering, modeling and diagramming
(b) Construction, installation, testing and converting
(c) Designing, charting, formatting and structuring
(d) Planning, analysis, design and implementation
(e) System request, feasibility, planning and staffing.
8. The _____ is generated by the department or person that has an idea for a new information system.
(a) Feasibility analysis (b) Gradual refinement (c) Project sponsor (d) System request (e) Work plan.
9. In which phase of the SDLC is the system proposal developed?
(a) Analysis (b) Design (c) Implementation (d) Planning (e) System delivery.
10. The primary advantage of the Waterfall Development methodology is _____.
(a) A version of the system is quickly delivered into the users' hands
(b) Requirements evolve through users' feedback about the system
(c) Features and functionality of the system are explored through simple models
(d) Requirements are completely specified and held relatively constant prior to programming
(e) There is a long time lapse prior to completion.
11. ____ is the process of examining the technical, economic, and organizational pros and cons of developing a new system.
(a) Committee approval (b) Feasibility analysis (c) Functionality determination (d) Risk analysis
(e) System request.
12. The functionality of the system or what the information system will do is called the _____ of the system.
(a) Business need (b) Intangibles (c) Requirements (d) Sponsors (e) Tangibles.
13. The four elements commonly found on a system request are _____.
(a) Economic, organizational, technical and operational feasibility
(b) Project sponsor, business need, requirements and business value
(c) Risk analysis, familiarity, project size and cost-benefit analysis
(d) Training, software, installation and equipment
(e) Upgrades, licensing fees, repairs and charges.
14. Each use case describes how the system reacts to a(n) _____ that occurs to trigger the system.
(a) External entity (b) Data flow (c) Process (d) Data store (e) Event.
15. Outputs from a use case are described on the use case form along with their corresponding_____.
(a) Data models (b) Destination (c) Inputs (d) Source (e) Viewpoint.
16. When developing use cases, the project team first identifies the _____.
(a) Managers that supervise the use case department
(b) Place where the use case occurs
(c) Time the use case begins
(d) Triggering event that causes the use case to occur
(e) Users who perform the use case.
17. When identifying the major Use Cases, the information needed to identify the Use Cases is contained in the_____.
(a) External entity (b) JAD session classification (c) Major steps for each use case
(d) Observation form (e) Requirements definition.
18. The …………. is a construct that helps analysts to work with users to determine system usage.
(a) Use case (b) Actor (c) Class (d) Component (e) Package.
19. The UML …………. diagram provides a variety of symbols and encompasses a number of ideas, all to model the changes which just one object goes through.
(a) Package (b) Object (c) State (d) Class (e) Use Case.
20. ………….relationship specifies an optional behavior.
(a) A generalization (b) An inheritance (c) An include (d) An aggregation (e) An extend.
21. …………. literally means ‘many forms’, the concept that different objects can respond to the same message in different ways.
(a) Composition (b) Aggregation (c) Inheritance (d) Encapsulation (e) Polymorphism.
22. Objects hide their inner workings of their operations from the outside world and from other objects. This is called ………………..
(a) Composition (b) Encapsulation (c) Generalization (d) Polymorphism (e) An object.
23. Given below are some statements associated with data flow diagrams. Identify the correct statement from among them.
(a) Data flows in a DFD may be bidirectional
(b) The level 0 DFD only consists of the main process
(c) The level 0 DFD is the same as the context diagram
(d) Data can flow directly from a data store to an external agent
(e) Every process in a DFD must connect to two other processes.
24. Consider the following statements related to UML 2.0.
I. Composite Structure Diagram, Interaction Overview Diagram and Timing Diagram are new in UML 2.0.
II. A composite structure diagram shows the components of a class as a diagram nested inside a large class rectangle.
III. UML 2.0 takes the interface concept a step further by allowing one to model the connection between an interface and a class.
Which of the following is correct?
(a) Only (I) above
(b) Both (II) and (III) above
(c) Both (I) and (II) above
(d) Both (I) and (III) above
(e) All (I), (II) and (III) above.
25. Consider the following statements in relation to Role names in associations between two classes:
I. Role names have to be used with association names.
II. If there is a relationship between Company and Person then one could use Employee or Employer as role names to convey an employment relationship.
III. The role name is placed on the association near the class that it modifies.
Which of the following is correct?
(a) Both (I) and (III) above
(b) Both (I) and (II) above
(c) Both (II) and (III) above
(d) Only (III) above
(e) All (I), (II) and (III) above.
26. The following statements are related to Role/Role names in associations.
I. When one class associates with another, each one usually plays a role within that association.
II. A Role name may be placed on one or both ends of an association line.
III. If Company and Person are two classes in a class diagram that has an association relationship, one could use an association name called “employs” or the role names of “Employer” and “Employee” to convey an employment relationship.
Which of the following is correct?
(a) Only (I) above
(b) Both (I) and (II) above
(c) Both (I) and (III) above
(d) Both (II) and (III) above
(e) All (I), (II) and (III) above.
27. Multiplicity indicators and their meanings.
I. 0..* Zero or More
II. 1..* One or More
III. 0..1 Zero or One
IV. 4..7,9 4,5,6,7 or 9
V. 1-2 1 or 2
Which of the following is correct?
(a) (I), (II) and (III) above
(b) Both (II) and (III) above
(c) (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above
(d) (I), (II) and (IV) above
(e) Both (I) and (V) above.
28. RAD Stands for
(a) Rapid application development tool
(b) Raid application development tool
(c) Research application Development
(d) Research aid design tool
(e) Rapid analysis and design tool.
29. Which of the following are not CASE facilities?
(a) Diagramming tools (b) Prototyping tools (c) Quality management tools (d) Description tools
(e) System analysing tools.
30. The ………… is a group of attributes used to identify a single entity instance.
(a) Candidate key (b) Concatenated key (c) Alternate key (d) Primary key (e) Subsetting criteria.
Section B : Problems (50 Marks)
This section consists of questions with serial number 1 – 5.
Answer all questions.
Marks are indicated against each question.
Detailed workings should form part of your answer.
Do not spend more than 110 - 120 minutes on Section B.
1. a. Define System. Explain the characteristics of System in brief.
b. How do you distinguish Information System and Automated Information System?
(7 + 3 = 10 marks)
2. a. What makes Systems Analysis and Design a difficult activity?
b. Explain the roles and responsibilities of system analyst. (5 + 5 = 10 marks)
3. Construct one or more appropriate UML diagrams to describe the following. Use as many diagrams as are necessary to make them all, and the entire system, easily Understandable.
“If the user is an administrator, his personal navigation page allows him to add a user, to remove a user, and to log out. Otherwise, the personal navigation page allows the user to check his email, to find recipes,and to log out. When an administrator chooses to add a user, the system allows him to enter the new user's username, full name, and email address. If the username matches a username already in the system, the system shows an error and a link to return to the administrator's personal navigation page, otherwise it adds the user and displays the fact that the operation completed successfully and a link to the administrator's personal navigation page. When an administrator chooses to delete a user, the system allows him to put in a username; if the username does not exist in the system, the system shows a message to that effect and a
link back to the user's personal navigation page, otherwise it displays the fact that the operation completed successfully and a link to the user's personal navigation page. When a normal user chooses to check his email, he is shown the contents of his inbox with a link to each email message and a link back to his personal navigation page. When a user clicks on an email message, it displays the message and a link to return to the user's inbox. When a normal user chooses to find recipes, he is allowed to either return to his personal navigation page or to put in any number of keywords, after which the system shows him links to all recipes that contain all of those keywords and a link back to the main recipe search page. When a normal user clicks on a recipe, the System shows the recipe and a link back to his recipe search results. When any user Chooses to log out, he is immediately logged out.” (15 marks)
4. Consider the given case study and draw a decision tree.
ICICI Bank has introduced a special scheme to promote its customers to invest in the bank’s fixed deposit (FD) schemes. The bank intends to have a different interest scheme for different account types, duration of the fixed deposit and the account balance of their bank accounts.
If the account is a current account and the account balance is Rs.25,000/- or more, the bank pays 10% interest for a 3 month FD, 12% interest for a 6 months FD, 14% interest for a 12 month FD and 16% for a 24 month FD. If the account is a current account and the account balance less than Rs.25,000/-, the bank pays 10% interest for a 6 months FD, 12% interest for a 12 month FD and 14% for a 24 month FD. If the account is a savings account and the account balance is Rs.15,000/- or more, the bank pays 11% interest for a 6 month FD, 13% interest for a 12 month FD and 15% for a 24 month FD. If the account is a savings account and the account balance less than Rs.15,000/-, the bank pays 10% interest for a 12 month FD and 12% for a 24 month FD. If the account is a NRFC account and the account balance is US $500 or more, the bank pays 16% interest for a 24 month FD and 18% for a 36 month FD. If the account is a NRFC
account and the account balance less than US $500, the bank pays 14% interest for a 24 months FD, 16% interest for a 36 month FD. (10 marks)
Section C : Applied Theory(20 Marks)
5. What are the Guidelines for capturing patterns? (5 marks)
6. Define Data Dictionary. Why analysts use data dictionaries? (10 marks)
7. a. Illustrate different approaches for identifying Classes.
b. Mention few guidelines for refining classes.
(5 + 5 = 10 marks)
Suggested Answers
1. Answer : (a)
Reason: An Information System is an arrangement of people, data processes, information representation and information technology that interact to support day-to-day operations in a business. The remaining choices are irrelevant with respect to information system
2. Answer : (a)
Reason: Other than Programming language skills A system analyst should possess communication skills, Technical skills Business process reengineering skills and management skills.
3. Answer : (b)
Reason: Outsourcing is the act of contracting with the outside vendor to assume responsibility for IT functions.
4. Answer : (b)
Reason: Prototyping is not a step in the linear system development cycle whereas it is
involved in design phase.
5. Answer : (c)
Reason: Problem statement usually contains user requirements but not the problems
faced by the organization.
6. Answer : (b)
Reason: Except Application all other feasibilities factors are considered.
7. Answer : (d)
Reason: Planning Analysis design and implementation are the four phases of development life cycle.
8. Answer : (d)
Reason: System request is generated by the department or person that has an idea for a
new information system.
9. Answer : (a)
Reason: System Proposal is developed in analysis phase.
10. Answer : (d)
Reason: D is the right choice all other are not conveying to the meaning of waterfall development methodology
11. Answer : (b)
Reason: Feasibility analysis is the process of examining the technical organizational and economic pros and cons of developing a new system.
12. Answer : (c)
Reason: Requirements say that what system will do and what it should do.
13. Answer : (b)
Reason: Remaining all are not apt to the system request.
14. Answer : (e)
Reason: Uses cases describe how the system react to an event that occurs to trigger the system.
15. Answer : (b)
Reason: Outputs from a usecase are described on the usecase form along with there corresponding destinations.
16. Answer : (d)
Reason: The project team first identifies the triggering event that causes the use case to occur when developing usecases.
17. Answer : (d)
Reason: The observation form should contain the major usecases information.
18. Answer : (a)
Reason: Use case is a construct that helps analysts to work with users to determine system usage.
19. Answer : (c)
Reason: State diagram shows how objects change from one state to another which is depicted using state diagram.
20. Answer : (a)
Reason: Extend stereotype indicates optional behaviour in use cases,
21. Answer : (e)
Reason: Poly-morphism poly means many morphism means forms so e is the right choice
22. Answer : (b)
Reason: Encapsulation is nothing but hiding objects inner workings of their operations from the outside world and from other objects.
23. Answer : (a)
Reason: Data flows in a DFD may be biderctional.
24. Answer : (e)
Reason: All the statements are correct.
25. Answer : (c)
Reason: Role names may be or may not be used with association names.
26. Answer : (d)
Reason: All the statements are correct.
27. Answer : (c)
Reason: 1-2 indicates 2
28. Answer : (a)
Reason: A is the right choice because RAD is Rapid Application Development Tool
29. Answer : (e)
Reason: CASE facilities are Diagramming prototyping, quality management and description tools.
30. Answer : (b)
Reason: Concatenated Key is a group of attributes used to indetify a single entity instance

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