Saturday, November 8, 2008

System Analysis and Design (MC161) : January 2007

Section A : Basic Concepts (30 Marks)
This section consists of questions with serial number 1 - 30.
Answer all questions.
Each question carries one mark.
Maximum time for answering Section A is 30 Minutes.
1. In which of the following phases of the system development life cycle, elimination of errors in the system and tuning the system for any variations in its working environment will be done?
(a) System maintenance
(b) System specification
(c) System design
(d) System development
(e) System testing.
2. The willingness and ability of management, employees, customers, suppliers and so-forth of an organization to operate, use and support a proposed system. What do you mean by the above?
(a) Economic feasibility
(b) Operational feasibility
(c) Cost/benefit analysis
(d) Specification feasibility
(e) Technological feasibility.
3. Which of the following factors does not necessarily contribute to the failure of particular systems development projects?
(a) Insufficient testing
(b) Inadequate or improper systems design.
(c) A project that spans multiple departments
(d) A lack of top management support
(e) A lack of management and user involvement.
4. Consider the following activities in connection with software development:
I. Use a problem-solving approach.
II. Establish phases and activities.
III. Establish standards.
Which of the above is/are the software development principle(s)?
(a) Only (I) above
(b) Only (II) above
(c) Both (I) & (II) above
(d) Both (I) & (III) above
(e) All (I), (II) and (III) above.
5. Which shows the top level function defined to cover the scope of the application?
(a) Data flow diagram
(b) Decision table
(c) Context diagram
(d) Matrix plotting
(e) Flow charting.
(e) Flow charting.
6. Which of the following is correct statement with respect to data flow diagrams?
(a) Replace the job of systems analysts
(b) Do not allow every function to work at the same time
(c) Can be automatically generated by computer aided software engineering tools
(d) Does not support object oriented methods
(e) Describes how data flows from one logical processing unit to another.
7. Which of the following is not considered as benefit of prototyping?
(a) Provide rapid feedback from the user to the designer
(b) Help validate requirements with fewer errors
(c) Enhance designer and user understanding of what system should accomplish
(d) Bring about meaningful user involvement in systems analysis and design
(e) System testing can be automated.
8. What does Economic feasibility looks/determine at?
(a) Looks at performance aspects of the system
(b) Looks at acceptances of the system within the organization
(c) Looks at the technical aspects of the system
(d) Determines whether the investment needed to implement the system will be recovered
(e) Determines whether the existing system can be upgraded to use a new technology.
9. Facts gathering techniques play a crucial role in systems development projects. Which technique would you highly recommend for a situation where very accurate answers and clarifications are needed?
(a) Questionnaire
(b) Record inspection
(c) Interviews
(d) Observation
(e) E-mail.
10. Who is not involved in joint application development who uses workshops with the following
(a) System owners
(b) System designers
(c) System operators
(d) System users
(e) System analysts.
11. What is the Delivarable of Requirements Analysis?
(a) Interfaces
(b) Design specification
(c) User manual
(d) Requirements specification
(e) Executable file.
12. What is the other name of context diagram?
(a) Level 1 diagram
(b) Level 2 diagram
(c) Level 0 diagram
(d) Level 3 diagram
(e) Level n diagram.
13. Which of the definition of elements in system a data dictionary contain?
(a) Data flows
(b) Processes
(c) Data stores
(d) Both (a) and (b) above
(e) All (a), (b) and (c) above.
(e) All (a), (b) and (c) above.
14. Which media is available for providing computer based output?
(a) MICR
(b) OCR
(c) Punched cards
(d) Optical Bar
(e) COM.
15. Which cohesion determines the elements are all executed at the same time?
(a) Functional cohesion
(b) Sequential cohesion
(c) Temporal cohesion
(d) Logical cohesion
(e) Coincidental cohesion.
16. Which prototype is a simulation of interface but contains no functionality?
(a) Vertical prototype
(b) Horizontal prototype
(c) Analysis prototype
(d) Hybrid prototype
(e) Domain prototype.
17. Who produced CRC cards?
(a) Booch
(b) Sally Shaler
(c) Jim Rumbaugh
(d) Peter Coad
(e) Wirfs-Brock.
18. Which will help analysts to work with users to determine system usage?
(a) Actor (b) Component (c) Class (d) Package (e) Use case.
19. Which will provides a variety of symbols and encompasses a number of ideas, all to model the changes which just one object goes through in UML?
(a) Package (b) Object (c) Class (d) Use case (e) State.
20. Which relationship in use case diagram represents an optional behavior?
(a) A generalization (b) An include (c) An extend (d) An aggregation (e) An inheritance.
21. Which of the following statements incorrect regarding Object Oriented Methodologies?
(a) Gane and Sarson, Shlaer Mellor and Extreme Programming are object oriented Methodologies
(b) RUP activities emphasize the creation and maintenance of models rather than paper documents
(c) Establishment of the project plan and the architecture is done during the Elaboration phase of
(d) During the Elaboration phase, the focus turns towards analysis and design
(e) During inception, it is common to create an executable prototype that serves as a proof of
22. Considering the following statement in relation to Use Case modeling, identify the correct statement.
(a) Use Case is a construct that helps analysts to work with users to determine system usage
(b) Extends relationship shows the compulsory behavior of a Use Case
(c) A scenario is a collection of use cases initiated by an actor
(d) Scenario is another term used for a Use Case
(e) Actors represent software that must interact with the system.
23. Consider the following multiplicity indicators and their meanings:
Indicator Meaning
I. 0..* Zero or More.
II. 1..* One or More.
III. 0..1 Zero or One.
IV. 4..7,9 4,5,6,7 or 9.
V. 1-2 1 or 2.
Which of the above are correct?
(a) Both (II) and (III) above
(b) (I), (II) and (III) above
(c) (I), (II) and (IV) above
(d) (I), (II),(III) and (IV) above
(e) All (I), (II), (III), (IV) and (V) above.
24. Which UML diagram that adds the dimension of time to object interactions?
(a) Communication Diagram
(b) Interaction Overview Diagram
(c) Composite Structure Diagram
(d) Sequence diagram
(e) Activity Diagram.
25. Which UML diagram that has the overall framework of an activity diagram and interaction diagrams as activities?
(a) Composite Structure Diagram
(b) Interaction Overview Diagram
(c) Sequence Diagram
(d) Activity Diagram
(e) Communication Diagram.
26. Which diagram is like a flow chart which shows the steps, decision points and branches?
(a) Sequence Diagram
(b) Composite Structure Diagram
(c) Interaction Overview Diagram
(d) Communication Diagram
(e) Activity Diagram.
27. Which UML diagram that shows how objects are organized according to the links among objects?
(a) Activity Diagram
(b) Sequence Diagram
(c) Interaction Overview Diagram
(d) Communication Diagram
(e) Component Diagram.
28. Which of the following statements is correct regarding identifying Classes and Objects and drawing a Class diagram and an Object diagram?
(a) Entity and Boundary are the only two primary Class stereotypes in UML 2.0
(b) An aggregation relationship is discovered in a Class diagram when one finds classes in the initial model which have common attributes and operations
(c) Class diagrams show general definitional information about classes whereas an Object diagrams are used to model specific instances of classes at specific instants in time
(d) A class is a set of objects which share common attributes and behaviour
(e) A composition relationship is discovered in class diagram when one finds classes in the initial
model which have common attributes and operations.
29. Which symbol is used to represent Protected visibility in UML?
(a) + (b) - (c) @ (d) # (e) &.
30. Which falls into the modular programming?
(a) Fortran (b) C (c) Modula 2 (d) Small talk (e) Modula 3.
Section B : Problems (50 Marks)
This section consists of questions with serial number 1 – 5.
Answer all questions.
Marks are indicated against each question.
Detailed workings should form part of your answer.
Do not spend more than 110 - 120 minutes on Section B.
1. a. Assume that A, B, C are Boolean variables, X, Y, Z are outcomes. Propose a decision
table for the following procedure:
If A
If B
then x
If C
If C
then y
else z
if C
then y
else z
Make sure your final table is in simplified form, i.e., does not have redundant rows or
b. Name two roles that a systems analyst needs to play during an information system
development project. Explain each one briefly. (5 + 5 = 10 marks)
2. A systems analyst has collected the following information about a project she is working on for
a small catering business. To assist her, draw data flow diagrams. Picnics R Us (PRU) is a
small catering firm with a staff of five employees. During a typical summer weekend, PRU
caters 15-20 picnics with 20 to 50 people each. When potential customers call, the receptionist
describes the list of 10 standard menus offered by PRU and gives price information. If the
customer decides to book a picnic, the receptionist records the customer’s name, address,
phone number and the information about the picnic (time, place, number of people, selected
menu, total price) on a contract. The customer is then faxed a copy which the customer signs and sends back, along with a deposit. The deposit can be in the form of a cheque or a credit card charge. Once the owner cashes the deposit, the picnic is considered officially booked. For each booking, the contract in a file cabinet which includes all contracts sorted by week. Sometimes the customer wants something special, such as a birthday cake. In this case, the receptionist takes the information, gives it to the owner who determines a price. The receptionist then calls the
customer and gives the price, which is accepted or rejected by the customer.
Draw a dataflow diagram for the above scenario. (10 marks)
3. Consider the world of companies: Companies employ employees (who can only work for one
company), and consist of one or more departments. Each company has a single president, who
is an employee. Departments have employees as members and run projects (one or more.)
Employees can work in 1 to 3 projects, while a project can have 2 to 50 assigned employees.
You may assume that companies have a name and address, while employees have a emp# and a
Draw a class diagram for the description above. Make sure to show attributes, multiplicities
and aggregation associations, where appropriate. No need to show any operations. (10 marks)
4. Give a state diagram that describes the lifetime of a video tape in a video store. You can
assume that a video tape is purchased, packaged properly (plastic case with identification
information on the outside), put in the video store database, and is then put up for rental.
Customers, who choose to rent it, check it out and return it in 3 days. If a customer fails to
return it, the store calls him/her the next day. The call is repeated a second time after 2 more
days, and if the tape is not returned within 2 more days, the store delegates the matter to a
collection agency and removes the video tape from its collection. If the tape is damaged on
return, it is removed from the collection database also. Finally, if the tape is missing during the
annual store inventory, it is removed from the collection database as well. annual store inventory, it is removed from the collection database as well.Make sure to define events, conditions, actions for transitions in your diagram, whereappropriate. (10 marks)
5. a. Consider the design of an interface for a 2-person game, such as chess or checkers. Drawa state diagram which describes the dialogue structure of the interface. Assume that theuser always starts first, then the system and the user take turns making a move until themover makes a winning move (e.g., a checkmate in chess), or the user decides to quit.Make sure to describe clearly events, conditions and actions associated with eachtransition of your diagram.b. Define a key for the COURSE entity shown below, assuming that
a course can be given multiple times during a term,
each section has a single instructor,
an instructor can teach multiple sections of the same courseCOURSE(name,title,dept,instructor,section,year,semester,enrolment#).(5 + 5 = 10 marks)
Section C : Applied Theory (20 Marks)
This section consists of questions with serial number 6 - 7.
Answer all questions.
Marks are indicated against each question.
Do not spend more than 25 -30 minutes on section C.
6. a. What does it mean to have a requirements specification document that is “traced” and
“traceable”? How do you ensure each one of these qualities?
b. What is the purpose of software testing? Explain different testing strategies.
(5 + 5 = 10 marks)
7. Discuss briefly the Unified Approach and associated processes and concepts for OO software
development. (10 marks)
Suggested Answers
1. Answer : (a)
Reason: In system maintenance phase elimination of errors in the system and tuning the
system for any variations in its working environment
2. Answer : (b)
Reason: Operational feasibility determines the willingness and ability of management,
employees, customers, suppliers and so-forth of an organization to operate, use and support a proposed system.
3. Answer : (c)
Reason: A project that spans multiple departments does not necessarily contribute to the
failure of particular systems development projects.
4. Answer : (d)
Reason: Establishing standards and using a problem solving approach are the software
development principles.
5. Answer : (c)
Reason: Context diagram shows the top level function defined to cover the scope of the
6. Answer : (e)
Reason: Data flow diagrams support object oriented methods and describes how data flows
from one logical processing unit to another.
7. Answer : (e)
Reason: System testing can be automated is not considered as benefit of prototyping.
8. Answer : (d)
Reason: Economic feasibility +determines whether the investment needed to implement
9. Answer : (c)
Reason: Interviews would be highly recommend for a situation where very accurate answers
and clarifications are needed.
10. Answer : (c)
Reason: System operators are the people who are not involved in Joint application development.
11. Answer : (d)
Reason: Requirements specification is the deliverable of requirements analysis.
12. Answer : (c)
Reason: Level 0 diagram is the other name of context diagram.
13. Answer : (e)
Reason: Data flows definitions, processes definitions, data stores definitions a data dictionary contain.
14. Answer : (e)
Reason: COM is computer output micro film which is used for providing output and remaining all are input devices.
15. Answer : (c)
Reason: Temporal cohesion determines the elements are all executed at the same time.
16. Answer : (b)
Reason: Horizontal prototype is a simulation of interface but contains no functionality.
17. Answer : (e)
Reason: Wirfs Brock produced CRC cards.
18. Answer : (e)
Reason: Use case will help analysts to work with users to determine system usage.
19. Answer : (e)
Reason: State is a symbol which encompasses a number of ideas which will model the changes which just one object goes through in UML.
20. Answer : (c)
Reason: An extend in use case diagram represents an optional behaviour.
21. Answer : (a)
Reason: Gane and Sarson, Shlaer Mellor and Extreme Programming are not object oriented
22. Answer : (a)
Reason: Use Case is a construct that helps analysts to work with users to determine system usage.
23. Answer : (c)
Reason: 1..2 represents 1 or 2 but not 1-2.
24. Answer : (d)
Reason: Sequence diagram adds the dimension of time to object the interactions.
25. Answer : (b)
Reason: Interaction Overview Diagram has the overall framework of an activity diagram and
interaction diagrams as activities.
26. Answer : (e)
Reason: Activity diagram is like a flow chart which shows the steps, decision points and branches.
27. Answer : (d)
Reason: Communication diagram shows how objects are organized according to the links among objects.
28. Answer : (d)
Reason: A class is a set of objects which share common attributes and behaviour.
29. Answer : (d)
Reason: :# is used to show the protected visibility in UML.
30. Answer : (c)
Reason: Modula 3 and small talk are object oriented software development processes whereas
modula 2 is object based programming which don’t include inheritance and polymorphism.Fortran is Highlevel programming is structured programming.

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