Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Client Server Application Development (MC231) : April 2007

Section A : Basic Concepts (30 Marks)
1. In a 3-tier computing, which of the following is the request/response protocol between the clients and web servers?
(a) NNTP (b) SMTP (c) HTTP (d) POP3 (e) FTP.
2. How many bits long is the IPX network number?
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 32 (e) 64.
3. Which of the following best describes the backend portion of the client/server database system running on the server and providing database processing along with the shared access functions?
(a) Client engine (b) Database engine (c) Knowledge engine (d) Intelligent engine (e) Binary engine. 4. Which of the following is not a likely configuration of a Client-Server System?
(a) Single-Client-Single-Server System
(b) Single-Client-Multiple-Servers System
(c) Multiple-Clients-Multiple-Servers System
(d) Multiple-Client-Single-Server System
(e) None of the above.
5. The execution of the functions on a single server or across servers on the network is called as
(a) TP Monitor (b) TP – Lite (c) ORB (d) TP – Heavy (e) TP-Server.
6. ERP stands for
(a) Enterprise Resource Project
(b) Enterprise Response Planning
(c) Entity Resource Planning
(d) Enterprise Resource Process
(e) Enterprise Resource Planning.
7. E-mail is a fundamental component of
(a) Software (b) Groupware (c) Hardware (d) Firmware (e) Middleware.
8. Which of the following is the product of the OMG?
(a) DCOM (b) ORB (c) OTM (d) CORBA (e) IIOP. 9. Which of the following is the protocol that most e-mail programs used for directory services?
(a) SMTP (b) IMAP (c) LDAP (d) POP3 (e) UDP.
10. Which of the following tags is used to create an ordered list in a web page?



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Shanthi said...

Good post thanks..